The village of Adat Batu Sanggan is located in the area of Suaka Margasatwa Rimbang Baling, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. In this village there is a banquet. This is a river that should not be taken in a certain period.
This method is also one of the ways to keep the river ecosystem so that it is not disturbed by people living in the region. Although there is no strict guards, but people here will not dare to take fish along the river area that has been marked as a ban.
The morning, Sunday, January 28, 2018 can be called a happy day for Sanggan Village residents. It is time to harvest fish in the banquet of the ban, an infinite part of the river. There is nothing to distinguish river streams for transportation with river streams in banquet. Only, the community agrees to determine the location of the river stream with a depth of 1-2 meters.
Higher Adat gather before opening the ban on Kampar Regency, Riau.
The village color is preparing to follow the procession of the opening of the ban in Kampar Regency, Riau.
The villages fell into one on the edges of the bus. Full-banded atmosphere. Canda and laughing flow so only. The crucifix of interviction, there are people who successfully lift fish in many and large quantities. It is often sounded when there is a citizen who actually did not get the fish at once when the net is pulled.
Then the fish results of the catch together it was collected. The fish is not as well as to be divided-bagi for free to citizens. Citizens who want to get fish must follow the process of flaking. The auctioned fish should be large sized, and the results of the complaint are used as a fund for community activities such as mosque building and village cash. What is smaller sized fish cooked in general kitchen and eat together (press steel).
Theret Batu Sanggan village is one of the regions in Indonesia whose society always strives to preserve its river. It is proven the village community by not taking fish in rivers in a certain time to keep the natural habitat of the river remains preserved.
Warga tong royong to install fish jeratan when will open the ban in Kampar Regency, Riau.
Warga prepares the net to catch the fish when the ban is opened in Kampar Regency, Riau.
Not only that society also keeps the forest around their residence, as well as not to waste household waste to rivers. Thus the fish in this river can develop well and its habitat is also preserved.
This rule applies to all villagers and also for the challengers. And for those who violate these rules will be subject to custom sanctions. The fruit of this rule was born the culture of "Batobo Mancokau" which means the fish harvest of ban.
Photo and Text: Rony Muharrman
Warga throws the net into ban on the ban in Kampar Regency, Riau.
Warga struck the net.