Any conflict always causes the most significant disadvantages for children who are forced to become refugees. They are the victims of war that are not underwent in the countries in Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa, which cause refugee waves in Indonesia.

Although it has not ratified the 1951 Convention on refugees, Indonesia has long received refugees for humanitarian reasons. In fact, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation (Prepresident) Number 125 of 2016 on Overseas Disclosure.

Based on UNHCR data, or UN institutions that take refugees, there are more than 14,000 refugees in Indonesia. Currently there are 1,176 immigrants in Pekanbaru, Riau about 70 percent of refugee and the rest is still in the process of searching for asylum. They are mostly from Afghanistan, namely reaching 930 People, the rest of Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Sudan, Myanmar Rohingnya, Somalia, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, and from Jordan and Syria.

A child refuge sees outside the home window of the community in Pekanbaru City, Riau.

The number of children's refugees stands in front of the classroom doors in the community's house in Pekanbaru City, Riau.

Around 239 of 1176 refugees and asylum seekers in Pekanbaru are children under 17 years old. They have already lived 4-5 years, but have not been obliged to obtain the approval of the status of citizens of the destination country.

Meanwhile, the country of objectives such as Australia that actually ratified the Convention of refugees, more meetings close the doors for refugees from Islamic countries. Canada and New Zealand, it is highly selective because it only receives young refugees and has special expertise.

The lives of refugees are now better in Indonesia, far from war and can play free to enjoy their childhood. However, certainty gets access to education is still not completely they get.

The mother and refugee children in the community's house for refugees and asylum seekers in Pekanbaru City, Riau.

The number of children's refugees in the community's house for refugees and children's seekers in Kota Pekanbaru, Riau.

Education for children's refugees is still in the absence, because it is more voluntary by fellow refugees who have backgrounds in the educational world or teachers, using one of the spaces in the community's home as class, facilitated by IOM (International Organization for Migration).

Already all parties pay attention to education for child refugees. The status of refugees that they are sandang should not as well as to remove the child’s rights to obtain a decent education for their future. Because there is no one child in this world that can choose what and where she is born.

Photo and Text: FB Anggoro


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