Sound sprinkling tambur plus friction erhu breaks crowd. The typical music array of tiongkok is the marker of the performance of wayang potehi in one of the shopping centers in Jakarta. Slightly for a little blank spectator seat begins to fill. Pementasant wayang potehi usually spur at the beginning of the year ahead of the celebration of Imlek, being the rezeki field of its chin and crew.
That said, the dalang wayang potehi, Sugiyo Waluyo or is familiarly called dalang Subur along his friends joined in the group Fuk Ho Ann from Surabaya is in action. The atmosphere of She Hu or the dalang accompanied by Sanjaya as Jie Jiu or asiste. Located in a booth of about three meters, they are accompanied by a number of enthusiasts who are always ready to bring audiences enjoy stories. In the event that Dalang Subur brought the story "Sie Kong Hoan Tong" that is about the journey of the pastors called Sie Kong who struggled to reclaim the kedinastian Tong.
Howang potehi is a classic art of the relics of the imperial tigers of bamboo curtains. Sfour experienced massage times when the ban in the new orde period as it is believed to spread the political propaganda. Wayang potehi began to return the excitation when the president of Gus Dur. Wayang Potehi is the performance art of Chinese cultural mix and Javanese culture played before and after the celebration of imlek. Made of soft mahogany wood and wrapped by a typical variety of bamboo curtains. A variety of potehi wayang characters that are well tuned and there are several major characters that often appear like Sun Go Kong, Cut Pat Kay, and Sie Kong.
Howang potehi pementasan at Ciputra shopping mall, Jakarta. Howang potehi pementasan at Ciputra shopping mall, Jakarta.
Karakter wayang potehi filling story "Sie Kong Hoan Tong" in Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Photo and Text : Son Haryo Kurniawan
Dalang Subur practice before the pruning of the potehi in Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Dalang Subur wears the typical tionghoa clothing before the pruning of puppet potehi in Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Dalang read the story narrative before the wayang potehi pement at Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Dalang Subur plays a wayang potehi from behind the stage when the staging at Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Multiple wayang potehi characters will appear on the staging at Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
From the story "Sie Kong Hoan Tong" brought by Dalang Subur when the eventang potehi shopping mall Ciputra, Jakarta.
Photo potrait personil pementasan wayang potehi Dalang Subur (center), Sanjaya (second right), Alvian (right), Rudi (second left) and Ringgo (left) in Ciputra shopping mall, Jakarta.
The number of spectators witness the eventang potehi arrangement at Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Wayang potehi cheered cheerful spectators during the staging at Ciputra shopping center, Jakarta.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo