One of the forest management permits and management of the buffer area has changed the people of rimba. Those who used to live in the middle of the belantara, now forced to transform into the "city people". Not only culture, but also the name and status of religion. The absence of the forest has forced the Orang Rimba survives in new ways. Indonesia Conservation Community Anthropologist (KKI) Warsi Robert Aritonang mentioned, the loss of forest has changed the way of the Rimba People's livelihood in Jambi Province. They survive in a very healthy state. There is a deer, steal, and collect the remaining resources that are around, such as working as seekers and consumers of remaining palm oil brondol or pinang in corporate gardens and citizens. While the rest, "produced" turns into a hunter, farmers, and other professions, including students and broadcasters. But it is worth noting, the word "come" it only occurs in several groups of Orang Rimba who have long gained activists and interactions with the outsiders. Included in it, the group of Orang Rimba who has a private house, installment house or permanent house of government assistance. In addition, "produced" in the context also means to suspend all local wisdom and their ancestor habits in the forest. Today, most Orang Rimba still live nomaden with all resources limitations from one garden to another. Based on the latest census data conducted by KKI Warsi and several related parties in 2018 mentioned, the total number of Orang Rimba in Jambi Province is currently estimated to live 5.235 psyche alone. They spread across five districts around the national park and the Traffic Road of Sumatra, covering Sarolangun (2.228 soul), Merangin (1.276 soul), Tebo (707 soul), Rodhari (629 soul), and Bungo (395 soul). According to Robert, the government needs to immediately get off hand looking for new solutions related to the current Rimba state. Slightly, the word he, the current issue of Orang Rimba can be classified in four categories. In the economic field, it is not a little Orang Rimba who is forced to dismiss, contemplates oil palm bronze or pine fruit, and boil. In the field of law, the application of almost lost custom law and the application of unadaptive state law against the habit of Orang Rimba. In the social field, the height of intergroup competition to survive the narrow result of the hunt area and the presence of stigmatization in the middle of society. And in the cultural field, the shift of indigenous values and the rejection of global communities. Furthermore, the word he, several programs that have and will be carried out by the government need to be reviewed and adapted to the current conditions in the field. He offers, the government needs to consider allocate lands and forests as a future Rimba people's livelihood and continue to accompany and deliver sustainable educational services tailored to their culture and understanding. In fact, the Academy of Padjadjaran Miranda Risang Ayu PhD assesses the government’s policy by housing the Orang Rimba in the region as a policy that too forces and is not a solution to teach them. The far home achievement of the culture of the Orang Rimba is assessed to cause new problems. He suggests, the government needs to make new policies that are empathy and understand what people need today. It does not impose policies according to our wishes (government), but it is good according to their habits, he said. Photo and Text: Wadi Septiawan

The group of Orang Rimba is located in the temporary residence where they are in the palm plantations of citizens, Pamenang, Merangin, Jambi.

The group of Orang Rimba bought fruits sold by traders to wear in the settlement of Orang Rimba, Pelepat, Bungo, Jambi.

The Children of Orang Rimba are located in their temporary residence in the palm oil plantations of citizens, Bukit Suban, Black Water, Sarolangun, Jambi.

The group of Orang Rimba is in a temporary residence in the palm oil plantations of citizens, Pamenang, Merangin, Jambi.

The Children of Orang Rimba brought water for the need of drinking in the residential place while they were in the palm oil plantations of citizens, Pamenang, Merangin, Jambi.

The existence of Orang Rimba is in the middle of the oil palm plantation of citizens, Tabir, Merangin, Jambi.

The members of the group of Orang Rimba who have been recorded as voters show the Letter of Notice of the Elections of Rio Selection ( village head) are accepted from the Chairman of the local Voice Disclosure Group (KPPS) in the settlement of Orang Rimba

People of the Orang Rimba are in permanent settlements of government assistance in Sialang, Pamenang, Merangin, Jambi.

The group of Orang Rimba rests when it comes to the sidewalk of Sultan Thaha Road, Jambi.

The Broadcaster of the Community of Orang Rimba Benor 88.8 FM from Orang Rimba, Beteguh (right) accompanied by the Indonesian Conservation Community facilitator (KKI) Warsi, Elvidayanty (left) conducted broadcasting in the National Park buffer area of Bukit Duabelas (TNBD), Black Water,

The group of Orang Rimba riding a wheel vehicle when crossing in the Middle Traffic Road of Sumatra, Tebo, Jambi.

The Children of Orang Rimba quoted from the back of the permanent residence of the help of one company in Gading Jaya, South Tabir, Merangin, Jambi.

Editor : Prasetyo Utomo


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