Long Alango village names, in Malinau Regency, Kaltim is very rare to appear in media news, especially the village is one of the remote villages in Bahau Hulu districts inhabited by Dayak tribes Kenyah since 350 years ago. Directly bordered by Serawak Malaysia, the village population of Long Alango must face dilemma-dilema.

Surrounded tropical forests on thick green carpet tubs, supported by good khatulistiwa climate for the growth of several types of agricultural plants, plantations and forestry as well as biodiversity should be the potential for its residents.

But the fact that the condition of the society is still behind, expensive transportation, minim means the road so that the material needs of pokoh is expensive, lazy the source of limited lashes so that it lacks the impact for the wellbeing of its citizens, plus the general means and infrastructure and access information that also minim is more difficult to strengthen their lives.

As a result, most of them must carry out the economic activity of the state of the majors because it is closer, cheaper and more efficient.

Despite their stomach affairs relying on neighboring countries, but it does not reduce the nationalism spirit in their chest, the white red remains a glimpse, only in the future the central government should have more attention to their wellbeing.

Photo and Text: Widodo S Jusuf


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