Sound bising coffee grinders and distinctive aromas decorate a shop after the Magrib azan in Ramadan. Motherhood of a number of punk streets serving visitors into an interesting decor in the shop called coffee shalawat.
Shaalawatyang coffee shop located in Ciputat area is a place to work several punk streets while following servings in Tebet layang road, South Jakarta. The shop was initiated by Halim Ambiya, the founder of the Tasawuf Underground seven years ago as well as the graduates of the postgraduate program in the Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Institute of Thinking and Civilization, Malaysia.
Tasawuf Underground is a community that initially only moves on social media with the purpose of charizing the Islamic sciences born from the minimization of the child’s access to religious education.
Wetaz Halim Ambiya (second right) provides lectures to a number of punk children at Kolong Bridge Layang Tebet, Jakarta.
The child of punk follows the study at Kolong Bridge Layang Tebet, Jakarta.
Halim who can also be at the University of Islam Negeri Jakarta, invigorating the city’s mother’s hallway to look for the point of the child’s cultivation and punk, then trying to invite them to learn about Islam together. But inviting the child’s streets and punks are not easy. Halim started by approaching them, invited them to talk about the bareng ngopi.
After several meetings, he offers " the way of home", the method of teaching community to recognize religion to the street child and punk child as well as transforming the stigma of society against them.
"I only embrace and give a map for their way home and know God, do not eliminate their identity as a child of punk," said Halim.
The child of punk followed the study at Kolong Bridge layang, Tebet, Jakarta.
The punk child prepares prayer in Tebet, Jakarta.
"Sahabatan is the main key. In the subject to sharing science, blessing, until sharing work. Finally those who ask me to teach nasty and prayer," he added.
Punk began to enter Indonesia around the late 1970s. In the punk lifestyle to Indonesia began by the ingress of punk music but the development was not in the country of origin, London, England. In the development, both in Indonesia and Indonesia, the punk community has a separate subculture that is recognized by society and is sometimes considered to store. Punk is also increasingly popular in fashion world or dress style.
Bima Abdul Saleh (26) feels a much better life after four months joining and finding a map for the way home in the Tasawuf Underground Community. Youth with a full face of the tattoo is very regret already throws a lot of time in the past.
The number of punk children carry out prayers in Tebet, Jakarta.
The child is preparing to follow the presentation at Kolong Bridge layang, Tebet, Jakarta.
"I want to remove my tattoo, I shy face God with a dirty body, " says Bima.
"We are now familiar with gods, but we keep against suppression with our music and other works, that’s true punk not to dissolve, not drugs, and not criminals," Bima cap
Photo and Text : Rivan Awal Lingga
One punk child makes coffee in Kedai "Shalawat" Ciputat, South Tangerang.
A number of children punk play music entertaining visitors in the "Shalawat" Shop Ciputat, South Tangerang.
One child punk serves buyers in "Shalawat Coffee", Ciputat, South Tangerang.
Bima shows the tattoo in his face in the Layang Tebet Bridge, Jakarta.
The child punk removes his tattoo at Kolong Bridge Layang Tebet, Jakarta.
The child punk shows the tattoo on his hands at Kolong jembata layang Tebet, Jakarta.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo