The morning is the termination of Banongan’s elok beach, Banyuwangi, constantly deru war engines and sounds of thousands of Korps Marinir TNI AL personnel who were vomited from KRI’s hull, did landing on the beach that was mastered.
Under the determination of bullets and odors of missionu, the soldiers transport the combat equipment to the beach lips. Before bleeding, the small team of Taifib and Kopaska first dissolved to the beach to bring the way of landing operations.
To destroy enemy positions, thousands of rockets launched using MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) RM70. A shot around 40 rockets is able to destroy the three-hectare area.
Rudal RM-70 is dissolved when performing target shooting on combat exercises at Banongan Beach, Situbondo, Jatim
Amfibi cough seeks to achieve beach lips when landing troops on Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
The war scenario in the Jaya XXXVII’s Fleet Training is applying the real modern food, involves about 8.493 personnel and armies of marine, land and air elements.
The movement of the troops began with the population of the territory of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, then TNI AL over the command of the Supreme Commander exerts the Combined Command Command Command (Kogasgab) held a amfibi operation to reclaim the NKRI region.
The peak exercise of the TNI AL armed system that is held periodically will increase the individual and unit’s ability so that it can answer the challenges of future changes. ÓJalesu Bhumyamca Jayamahe, In the Sea and the Land of Kita Jaya.
Tim Intai Amfibi Korps Marinir held a battle to do infiltration at Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
Tim Intai Amfibi Korps Marinir conducts intake before the landing of troops at Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
Photo and Text : Kuwadi and Budi Candra
Prajurit Korps Marinir came out of amphibious vehicles at the end of Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
At a maneuverable amfibi combat vehicle in the Marine Tempur Training Center 5 Replies, Situbondo, Jatim.
Seconced amphibious amfibi combat rides in Marine Tempur Training Center 5 Replies, Situbondo, Jatim.
The wave of the reservoir (sniper) strands the target of the height in the Marine Combat Training Center 5 Replies, Situbondo, East Java.
The soldiers of the Marine Corps are in front of the amphibious combat vehicle in the Marine Forging Training Center 5 Replies, Situbondo, Jatim.
Seconced amphibious amfibi combat rides in Marine Tempur Training Center 5 Replies, Situbondo, Jatim.
Prajurit Korps Marine will at the beach lip on the landing of troops at Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
Prajurit Korps Marinir TNI AL brings meriam Hotwizer 105 mm when landing on Banongan beach, Situbondo, East Java.
Tank amfibi out of KRI Bay Banten hull on the landing of troops at Banongan Beach, Banyuwangi, Jatim.
Editor : Saptono