For the capital residents who want to enjoy the attractions of the crocodile turns out that it is not necessary to be far away, simply visit the banquet at the Serang, New, Cikarang, Bekasi, several kilometers from Jakarta.
The location of the contributor known as Taman Buaya Cikarang has a collection of more 500 tails, with the most collection of Sumatran Buaya. In addition there is also Buaya Muara, Buaya Irian, Buaya Buntung and Buaya Putih.
Interesting in this Crocodile Park for visitors can see the collection of crocodile from a fairly close distance, only separate from the fence as high as about 1.5 meters. On weekdays and holidays there is a crocodile attraction by involving the pawang that will play with crocodile.
The attraction of this crocodile begins with rituals read mantra-mantra or jampi-jampi. Visitors can see lined crocodile attractions, lift the crocodile, even sleep on the body of the crocodile and the most interesting is when the pawang lays the sirih dun in the open crocodile mouth, then take it with mouth and eat it inside the crocodile jaw.
Unfortunately this facility is less nursing and the number of visitors is also increasingly reduced from time to time, while for the cost of taking care of the crocodile and its facilities grow.
Photo & Text: Paramayuda