When listening to the prison word, most people may be straightened about a daunting place because it contains the narapidana paragraphed in the jeruji iron because it is involved in criminal and crime.

But the view and prejudice of the dive was slowly disappeared if we visited the lapas like Lapas Class II A Serang who changed the prisoners as a lonely stone so that the binaan can be a better insan so that it can smell with their secretary society from prison.

Lapas offers a number of exercises and activities to achieve such goals. For example to provide training of work guidance, religious activities, sports, arthritis, even planted sciences practiced in the lapas environment.

The prison is not just a location undergoing body punishment for criminals, but it can be the place they get hydayah to be a better personal.

After getting all trainings and various activities, the fosters are expected to have the skills to live independently. The actual test for the binaans began in their first step through the door out the prison towards freedom, which is the eternal skills and exercises obtained during this will be applied in their new life sheet? The answer is in the heart and sanubari of each binaan.

Photo and text : Dziki Octomauliyadi


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