Forest fires and lands are not only confounding the blue sky because ? (English Malay from smoke) as a killer in a matter. When the smoke has met the air, soaking the odor blanket, not many options for most people besides trying to survive before the end of the stimuli.
In 2019 forest fires and lands or karhutla are very massif in Sumatra and Kalimantan. There is a prediction of this year is the history of dive in 2015 that is repetitive, when the loss due to the current karhutla based on the World Bank research reaches Rp221 trillion. The value is twice compared to the loss of the tsunami of Aceh.
In Riau Province, Riau University’s Environmental Studies Center estimates the area of gamble ?Bumi Lancang Kuning? This potentially has a loss of material at least Rp50 trillion due to the impact of karhutla in 2019. The disadvantages come from the distraction of trading, services, culinary, plantations, and the loss of the time of the Fuel delay from flight activity.
The child runs wearing masks in the middle of the haze in the Rimbo Long District Kampar, Riau.
Masjid Raya An-Nur when the haze mistla in Pekanbaru City, Riau, at 08.46 WIB, 10 September 2019.
Really the greatest bad impact of karhutla is in the human body. Jerebu carahutla contains particles with very harmful micro and nano sizes. The short-term impact can cause eye irritation, acute respiratory tract infection (ISPA), pneumonia, asthma, cough and sneeze to breathe. In addition, the pollutants inside the jelly can also directly enter the lungs and lower the function of the vital organ.
Study by researcher from Harvard and Columbia University, the United States, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters (2016) calls, a little 90 thousand people in Indonesia experienced premature death due to the haze of the carhutla in 2015. Thousands of Indonesia are similar in Singapore and Malaysia, recorded about 10 thousand premature deaths in the country.
The results of research were presented in the journal Nature Communication on September 17, 2019 called the impact of the danger of the janin conceived by pregnant women. Research by the Researcher of the University of Hasselt and the Catholic University of Zurich, Belgium, proves that the black carbon in the haze is inhaled pregnant mothers to plasenta.
The person bocah devotes his face with mineral water due to eye irritation due to haze haze in Kampar Regency.
The toddlers cry out when treated due to the breath of breath at the health post of victims affected the haze of karhutla in Pekanbaru.
More often pregnant mothers are exposed to haze mist, then the greater threat of miscarriage due to the fetus can get rid of black carbon particles poisoning plasenta.
The community in the carthutla cartilage is forced to breathe the harmful air. Already more than a month a thousand blankets the city of Pekanbaru, the capital city of Riau Province, which sheds educational activity from the early age of seizure to the university. Children’s relics of lessons, losing childhood because playing outdoors so it’s not safe, and citizens are forced to float.
Overcoming the carhutla with the effects of the congregation, required awareness, maturity and ability of the central and regional government.
How to suffer ISPA due to haze mist breathing oxygen from the tube with hose to the nose in the Earth Farmer RSUD, Pekanbaru.
The number of mothers with children floats in one of the health posts of victims affected by the haze of karhutla in Pekanbaru.
Without the seriousness of handling, society and young generation will become victims. Forest and land burners are environmental crimes as well as humanitarian disasters, which damage the future generations of Indonesia.
Photo & Text by FB Anggoro
Author : Fanny Octavianus
The number of subsidiaries using masks when playing in the center of the Pekanbaru City haze.
It is a variety of children's ways to protect themselves from the haze of the carhutla that covers Riau Province in 2019.
Sebuah mask is left in the blank class when the school is buried due to the haze mistla in Pekanbaru.