Indonesia is one of the countries that have a variety of tribes, culture, language, habits, and diverse customs. Each area has a unique characteristic feature so that it adds to the archipelago culture.
A variety of ways to do the community as a manifestation of gratitude to God for blessing and safety. One of them is the procession of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh people Dayak Deah located in the village of Liyu District Halong, Balangan District, South Kalimantan. Dayak Deah is one of the Dayak tribes in Kalsel whose society is agraris. Their daily life is filled with matching rice planting in the field.
This year for the first time, the custom ceremony was carried out together, so it was named Mesiwah Pare Gumboh which means the SySize Panen Bersama.
Deah’s Dayak presents the dance of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
The Spirit of Juhri Atak manopeng when performing the Ritual of Nengkuat Mulukng (preciousness to the ancestor) at the peak of the Mesiwah Pare Gumboh event in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
As for the ritual of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh, Dayak people will leave the results of the harvest that is still raw to the parent of custom called Nyerah Ngemonta. Those who have the results of the harvest, requesting the parent of the custom as ritual implementers to apply restoration and gratitude to the Creator for abundant harvest acquisition.
Then proceed with the rituals of the Mulukng Nengkuat Mulukng (a dish that has been cooked to the ancestors), Besoyokng (ritual reads the mantra to the ancestor), Mengudang (according to the ancestors) and Tombai (a ritual and problems).
In addition, there is also a custom attraction and arts such as fire baths, the Pare Mesiwah sendratari, the Esa Ngerokop (fishing).
Masyarakat adat Dayak Deah handed harvest results when Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Head of custom Ali Ancin led ritual Ngemonta when ritual Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in the village of Liyu, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
This year, Mesiwah Pare Gumboh attended a number of guests with a diverse background such as researchers and lecturers and tourists from various regions.
With this activity, it is expected that it will not only be a new tourist attraction in the area but also as part of treating monkeys in the beloved water soil.
Photo and Text : Bayu Pratama
The head of the Dayak Deah Liyu Ali Ancin led Batombai (a ritual completion and the problem until finally got a deal) at the peak of the Mesiwah Pare Gumboh event in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Masyarakat adat Dayak Deah followed the ceremony of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Masyarakat adat Dayak Deah did Ngerokop Esa (fishing) at the top of the Mesiwah Pare Gumboh event in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Masyarakat adat Dayak Deah brings harvest results when Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Masyarakat Adat Dayak Deah features a series of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh event in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
The Deah Dayak Deah displays the dance of Mesiwah Pare Gumboh in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
The Ritual of Nengkuat Mulukng (previously sorry to the ancestor) at the top of the Mesiwah Pare Gumboh event in Liyu Village, Balangan District, South Kalimantan.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo