“Waaa...Waaa...Waaa...Waaa....Waaa....” teriak a head of the tribes sibling a number of indigenous peoples of the territory of Papua running entering the field.
Hundreds of the original Dani tribe, Yali tribe and Lani tribe descended the mountain gathered for three days complete with the distinctive attributes and identity of their respective tribes such as kombou (hay brick), koteka, tombak (sege), parangs, bows and arrows following the 24th Baliem Valley Cultural Festival on 12-14 August, in the Wosi Village around 27 kilometers from Wamena city center, Jayawijaya District, Papua.
The festival presents the main dishes in the form of war-war attractions between tribes as a fertility, prosperity and wellbeing. The story starts with war trigger scenarios such as the emergence of citizens, theft of pigs or a newly opened field pollination. There is a trigger causing other tribes should reply to the revenge so that the pollination is done. This attraction does not make revenge or hostiles as a theme but rather positive meaning that “Yogotak Hubuluk Motog Hanoro” which means the Hope of the Esok Day Should Be Better than Today.
In addition to the attractions of wars, this festival also presents traditional dances, stone burners and pig racing. Various handcrafts such as noken (the traditional Papua) are exhibited in the event.
Photo and Text: Widodo S. Jusuf