When dance began to hide in Western ufuk, Antonius Arianto (53) is busy preparing a number of shaving tools and storical costumes in a home room on the Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java, Monday (13/4/2020).
While occasionally wipe the sweat in his forehead, the three children’s father known as Mr Arian’s greetings are arranging tools that will be used as a material of a magical game through the social media platform Facebook. The action was carried out to entertain and educate children, since the government appealed the community to stay at home from a month ago to prevent the widespread spread of COVID-19.
When the clock appoints at 18.05 WIB, the husband Evi Nurhayati (52) it rushed to wear a storm costume that is at the dominant of yellow colors combined the tuksedo cheered squares. Usai wears complete costumes with large ties and shoes, men who are interested in the magical tricks since sitting on this junior high bench then squeezes her face with a typical storm of storm with red nose rubber.
The storm of the storm of Mr Arian Maestro watched the showed recording that has been broadcast through Facebook at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The location of broadcast directly show the storm of Mr Arian Maestro in his house, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
"Live streaming FB (Facebook) starts seven nights to half eight. Dispute, children's biar whose day study at home, the night was entertained and immediately sleeping. Experts, children's great sleep under nine nights," said Mr Arian while polishing the brush to his eyebrows in front of a green small mirror.
Finished, men born Tegal, Central Java, this then prepares mobile phone mounted on a tripod with a height of 1.5 meters. The mobile phone is connected with a 30-inch size monitor.
"This monitor is installed in my biar can monitor anyone who witnesses live streaming, so I can call. Not only the Tasik (Tasikmalaya) people are also from Papua, Bengkulu, Balikpapan, and other cities throughout Indonesia," he explained.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro plays a magical game trick through Facebook’s social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro plays tricks in a magical game through Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
When the clock shows at 18.55 WIB, he invites his son to help turn on the "direct broadcast" mode in his personal Facebook account called "Arian Maestro". Without many prayers, men who learn from the national embroider Mr Robbin Massrie in Bandung, this is directly witnessed. The night, he started his shine by changing the glove sheet into a stick to embroider the tissue paper sheet to become the game and the game is sucked again into a flower.
In addition to entertaining with cute styles and magic tricks, it also reminds the audience to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemi, always keeps the distance with others, hand washed craftsmen, to use masks if out the house. The magical action is even closed by lifting the latitude of the nouncing the "The Corona Bahaya's Dekat, Nearby Arian Bahagia".
Mr Arian turned out not just a common storm storm. In fact, he was a civil servant (PNS) at the UPTD Office (Unit Regional Technical Execution) Metrology Legal in Tasikmalaya City. "I am with a setulus heart of the ikhlas doing all this for each other, do not expect the material, praise, or faculty," he said.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro ending the magical game impression through Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro dressed a Civil State Supervisor (PNS) in UPTD Office (Unit Regional Technical Execution) Metrology Legal in Tasikmalaya City, West Java.
Asked if the activity entertains children does not interfere with his work as PNS, this high-reserved man said, his work as the Penera Penlia at the UPTD Metrology Office of Tasikmalaya City has never been disturbed. "Straighty directly to night, work at office from morning to afternoon. After all, we do not every day to the office, we need to stay at home. But we are required for a three-day footprint, so that the service to the public is uninterrupted," he explained.
His devotion to the country makes it pursued the star Satya Badge Karya Satya 30 years from President Joko Widodo has not been long. The award is given to civil servants who have been valid for 10 or 20 or 30 years more continuously by showing the readiness, discipline, loyalty, and devotion so that it can be used for each other employee.
Photo and text: Adeng Bustomi
The storming storm storm of Mr Arian Maestro merias his face before playing tricks in a shine game through the Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The fragile storm activity known as Mr Arian Maestro greetings his face before playing tricks in a shine game through the Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro enters the game of the merpathy before playing tricks in the game magic through the Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
Deretan accessories used for bridal appointment.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro shared digital pamphlets through his smart phone to whatsapp groups before playing tricks in a shine game through the social media platform of Facebook at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, Java B
The storm of the storm Mr Arian Maestro pointing the writing contains ajakan to the audience to stay at home when the pandemi COVID-19, through the Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The magical storm of Mr Arian Maestro shows the audience how to wear the correct mask while playing tricks in a shine game through the Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
The storical storm of Mr Arian Maestro plays tricks in a magical game through Facebook social media platform at home, Bumi Resik Panglayungan, Kota Tasikmalaya, West Java.
Editor : Danika Wahyu