For the people of the traditional culture of Java, the new year of Java or known as one Suro is a ‘good’ day that was struck. On the good day adapted from the Islamic calendar coincided with the new year of hijriah, 1 Muharram, the citizens of berbondong did various tradition rituals in a number of places. A variety of traditions in the way of citizens, ranging from rituals of imitation, unemployment, kungkum and ruwatan. The individual is oriented to the joints and self-cleaning.

One of the crowded sites of citizens in the 1 Suro warning that falls on November 5, 2013, namely in the former Majapahit Kingdom city, Trowulan, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. In the manner and trust of each, citizens follow various tradition rituals on historical sites or places that are considered sacred in Trowulan.

If you don’t want to miss out on Suro, local government also held a series of activities. Packed in the event titled Grebeg Suro Ruwat Agung Nuswantoro Majapahit 1947 Saka they present a large name of cosmetic culture Majapahit Kingdom. The activities that were heard of such as the agung pisowanan to Majapahit’s relics sites, macapat and wayang, Sukerto’s bulk ruwatan, tumpanan, and ended Kirab Ruwat Agung Nuswantara.

Photo and Text: Ismar Patrizki


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