The night is still dark gulita, the wall clock shows at 02.00 a morning wib, BKSDA Aceh team along the Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Unsyiah Wildlife Conservation Centre, BBTNGL, Police and local communities move towards Sumatran tiger release location in the Leuser Ecosystem (KEL).

Previously one of the Harimau Sumatran tigers were named IDA was evacuated in Jambo Dalem Village, the East Trumon Subdistrict, South Aceh Regency after the trap in Monday (15/6/2020), the IDA name administration was taken from the name of the dusun where Sumatra tiger was saved.

Once known tigers already entered the trap, the BKSDA Aceh team along the direct related party TKP to evacuate tigers to Conservation Respon Unit (CRU) Naca Village, with the purpose of observing some samples covering blood, fur and parasites of the protected animals,

The wild Sumatran tiger named IDA was in the clams in Conservation Respon Unit (CRU) village Naca, Trumon Tengah, South Aceh, Aceh Province.

Petugas moved the wild Sumatran tiger before the release process in Concervation Respomse Unit (CRU) village Naca, Central Trumon, South Aceh, Aceh Province.

On Saturday (20/06/2020) morning the team moved from CRU Naca to the Wave Village, Sulthan Daulat District, Subulusalam City to use the service of the boat fleet in carrying a cage in the form of silver box containing IDA to the point of location where the release.

The deras of the Lawe Alas river does not sort the intentions of the divergence to complete the mission, for 4 hours of BKSDA Aceh team along the related parties must shed the river trasportation path to the location of the release point located in the Leuser Ecosystem Area (KEL).

Upon location, the lifting team lays the IDA cage near the tree, and after giving IDA time to calm, one of the members of the climbing team of trees to open the cage door.

BKSDA Aceh doctors conducted a process of illegal Sumatran tiger treatment given the name of IDA when in the Concervation of the Village Unit (CRU) Naca, the Southern Province of Aceh, in the wild.

Not long after the door of the open cage, IDA issued his anonymous auman as it welcomes his freedom and running towards the habitat forest.

Sumatran tiger is one of the key animals in maintaining the sustainability of the forest ecosystem, but the destruction of the habitat of the king of the forests made the wildlife, and the result of which emerges a number of tiger and human conflicts.

According to BKSDA Aceh conflicts of Sumatran tigers with humans every year occur in Aceh Province due to forest destruction and increased hunting against the protected animals. Since 2017 until mid 2020, there are 46 cases of human conflict with tigers that occur in South Aceh Regency, East Aceh, North Aceh, Bener Meriah, Southeast Aceh, West Aceh, and Subulusalam City.

While in 2020, it is calculated since January to mid-June, BKSDA Aceh and related institutions have captured and released two Sumatran tiger individuals to Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) adjacent to Leuser Ecosystem Area (KEL).

Sumatran tiger conflict with the future man is expected to still occur during the opening of the forest continues to last.

Photo and text : Syifa Yulinnas

Author : Fanny Octavianus


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