The grandeur and beauty of Angkor Wat which means ‘Kota Temple’ became a magnet for tourists to visit temples located in Siem Reap,Kamboja.

The temple built on the reign of King Suryavarman II in the mid-century 12th century entered the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1992.

Angkor Wat was created in the 30-year course was initially as a tribute to the gods of Wisnu, but at the end of the 13th century was redirected from the Hindu temple became the Buddha temple Theravada along the victory of the Siamese soldiers who embraced Buddhism over the Khmer kingdom.

A biksu photographs visitors using mobile phones with Angkor Wat tourism object background in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Angkor Wat attractions in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Wisatawan observes one of the temple parts when visiting Angkor Wat attractions in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

After the long disappears due to closed rindang and heavy trees, the magnificent building of 200 hectares in the Angkor complex that became the capital city of Khmer empire on the 880 - 1225 masehi was again found by a plant expert from France named Henri Mahout in 1860.

Angkor Wat who keeps the story of the length of the civilization of the past Khmers can be a historical tourist referral for tourists from various world warriors, at least 1.2 million tourists visit the temple every year.

Photos and text : Wahyu Putro


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